100 RINGI on pühendatud Eesti Olümpiakomiteele ja Eesti sportlastele. See on 100 ringi ümber päikese EOK jaoks. See on 100 EOK eluringi, kõik sarnased ja samas erinevad – mõned olude ja saavutuste poolest ahtamad-ahtramad, teised laiemad-lahedamad. Samas on see on 100 ringi staadionil või rallirajal rivaalide vastu, 100 ringi metsarajal koos trennikaaslasega, 100 ringi ujulas, 100 tabamust sisemisse ringi, 100 kettakaart, 100 kordust jõusaalis, 100 matši maadlusringis, 100 ringi stopperiseierilt. 100 ringi, igaüks neist kordamas eelmist, kuid loomas uut ja viimas edasi.
Sportlik sektor EOK 100 logoga tähistab aga seda, et suurte saavutuste jaoks on lisaks isiklikule pingutusele ja meelekindlusele vaja ka keskkonna toetust. See on sektor, millest kujuneb omamoodi parnass ja pjedestaal, mida raamistavad ringid viivad sportlase iga kordusega kiiremini, kõrgemale ja kaugemale. See on kordustest tekkinud tee tippu – rada, mille lõpus paistab alati valgus. Valgus, mis annab jõudu, et teha veel järgmised 100 ringi!
100 circles is dedicated to the Estonian Olympic Committee (EOK) and Estonian athletes. On the one hand it symbolizes 100 laps around the sun for EOK. It is 100 life cycles, all similar and different at the same time – some narrower-leaner in terms of circumstances and achievements, others wider-richer.
But it also symbolizes purely sporting activities such as 100 laps on the stadium or rally track against rivals, 100 laps on the forest track with a training partner, 100 laps in the swimming pool, 100 hits in the inner target, 100 disc arcs, 100 reps in the gym, 100 matches in the wrestling circle, 100 laps of the stopwatch. 100 circles, each repeating the previous one, but at the same time creating a new one and carring it on.
In front of the medal is sporty sector with the EOK 100 logo means that in addition to personal effort and perseverance, environmental support is needed for great achievement. It is a sector that becomes a kind of pedestal, the circles that frame it take the athlete faster, higher and farther with each repetition. It is the top of a path created by repetitions – a path at the end of which there is always light. A light that gives you the power to make the next 100 laps!
Risto Parve, Kai Süda, Kristo Kaskpeit