Kadriorgu uut arhitektuurset objekti kavandada on suisa privileeg, ülesannet muudab veelgi vastutusrikkamaks Kastellaani ansambliga koosmõju ning oranžerii tüpoloogia. Mahult suhteliselt väike, vaimult väga suur. Kõige põnevamaks osaks hoone puhul on kindlasti kasvuhoone ning soov avada hoonet avalikkusele – need kaks tegurit on olnud antud ideekavandi sütitajaks. Avalik fuajee lisaruumidega on suunatud peamisele saabumise suunale Koidula tänavalt, samasse sihti on paigutatud ka kasvuhoone, et selle dekoratiivne ajaloolist botaanikaaeda meenutav vorm vihjaks juba eemalt hoones toimuvale.
Mahuline kompositsioon koosneb erinevatest fragmentidest, mida eeldab nii Kastellaani ansambel kui Kadrioru hoonestuse killustatus. Mahtude eriilmelisus annab ka soovitud liigendatuse, ilma plaaniliselt „jõuga“ astmete tekitamist. Eristatud väiksemad hoonemahud sobituvad sujuvamalt olemasolevate hoonete skaalasse ning hoone sulandub ümbritsevasse linnakudemesse. Mahtude eriilmselisus saavutatakse läbi fassaadide tihedusastme. Fassaadide läbipaistvus teiseneb läbipaistvamast suletumaks sõltuvalt ruumide iseloomust. Lisaks see võte artikuleerib ning liigendab hoonemahtu.
Hoone volümeetriline välimus teeb kummarduse ning austusavalduse ajaloolistele esimestele kasvuhoonetele, samas väärikalt „laenates“ inspiratsiooni ümbritseva Kadrioru keskkonna arhitektuurilt.
It is quite a privilege to design a new architectural object in Kadriorg, the task is made even more responsible by the interaction with the Kastellaan ensemble and the typology of the conservatory. Relatively small in volume, very large in spirit. The most exciting part of the building is definitely the greenhouse and the desire to open the building to the public – these two factors have been the igniter of this concept. The public lobby with additional spaces is directed towards the main direction of arrival from Koidula Street, the greenhouse is also placed in the same direction, so that its decorative form reminiscent of a historical botanical garden hints at what is happening in the building from afar.
The voluminous composition consists of different fragments, which is required by both the Kastellaan ensemble and the fragmentation of the Kadriorg building. The diversity of the volumes also provides the desired articulation, without creating planned steps by “force”. The differentiated smaller building volumes fit more smoothly into the scale of the existing buildings and the building blends into the surrounding urban fabric. The diversity of the volumes is achieved through the degree of density of the facades. The transparency of facades changes from more transparent to more closed depending on the nature of the rooms. In addition, this technique articulates and articulates the volume of the building.
The volumetric appearance of the building pays homage and respects to the first historical greenhouses, while dignifiedly “borrowing” inspiration from the architecture of the surrounding Kadriorg environment.
Risto Parve, Kai Süda, Heldi Jürisoo, Marju Tammik
Sisearhitektuur / Interior – Inphysica Technology OÜ
Maastikuarhitektuur / Landscape – Lootusprojekt OÜ
Projektijuhtimine / Project Management – HOCO OÜ