Rakvere linna endise Maapanga hoone esine avalik ruum vajas linna tellimusel ümbermõtestamist, seni puudus silmale hea ja jalakäijale mugav lahendus. Eesmärgiks oli tähelepanu dominantselt parklalt väikevormidele suunata. Aktiivsemate liikumistelgede ristumispunkti sai kavandatud kahepoolne pikk istumisriba pergola- laadse haljastatud varjestusega, millega astub dialoogi teisele poole parklat kavandatud sarnane haljastatud pergola motiiv. Pika istumiselemendi kandeskelett on kavandatud musta pigmendiga monoliitsest betoonist, ronitaimedega kaetud pergola elemendid on pulbervärvitud terasest ning istumispesad on puitviimistlusega.
The public space in front of the former Maapank building of the city of Rakvere needed to be rethought at the request of the city, so far there was no solution that was good for the eye and comfortable for pedestrians. The aim was to divert attention from the dominant car park to small forms. The intersection of the more active axes of movement was given by a planned double-sided long seating strip with pergola-like green shielding, which enters the dialogue on the other side of the car park with a similar green green pergola motif designed. The support frame of the long seat element is made of black pigmented monolithic concrete, the pergola elements covered with climbing plants are made of powder-coated steel and the seat sockets are made of wood.
Kai Süda, Risto Parve