Disainida ja sisustada äärelinna uues kortermajade elamurajoonis olev korter, arvestades et tegu on poissmehega, kes on kohaliku naabrivalvepiirkonna ülem.
”Täesti tüüpiline – Tegelane R läks arhitektidest sõbradelt vannitoa plaadivaliku osas nõu saama. Ja põgusast küsimisest kasvas lõpuks välja kappinuppudeni läbi töötatud sisekujundusprojekt. Tõttöelda küll kapinuppe välistav sisekujundusprojekt. Samas pole see kapinuputa olek siin sugugi ainus ‘must have’ element. Esmapilgul tajumatuna allub matemaatilistele reeglitele ja tehetele tegelikult kogu masinavärk. Lagi ei ole valge. Puit on tamm on tumedaks peitsitud on 50mm paks. Liistud on minimaalsed või olematud. Igas kambris on üks „aktiviseeritud“ sein. Vastupidi kehtestatud reglementidele on korteri materjali- ja värvikooslused kombineeritud täiesti kompleksivabalt. Põhilisteks eksperimenteerimistsooniks just too iga toa personaalne „aktiivsein“. Kuskil on ta malbelt violetne. Kuskil kobrupinnaline oranž, kokku miksitud Tiimari siidipaberist ja švammtupsutatud värvist, omaniku enda käe läbi.
Köögi-elutoa seinast, kus ridamisi kolm täiesti erinevas värvigammas ja mustris tapeeti, jätkus rikkalikult emotsioone mitmesse etappi. Esimese, „Kas te olete hulluks läinud?!“ hüüde paiskas telefonitorusse arhitektide lähetatud nimekirjaga poes tapeedirullide ees seisnud eluasemeomanik. Teise, tõenäoliselt umbes samasisulise diskussiooni pidas vastasmaja aknast korteriperemehe tapetseerimistööd vaatama unustunud uudishimulik peoseltskond. Kolmas, juba üdini positiivne ja siiani kestev emotsioon saabus naabrivalvepiirkonna ülemale seina valmides.
Ometi läheb meile korda, et oma isiklikus köök-elutuba-magamistuba-vannituba koosluses hetki veetes voolaks hommikune karastav vesi kaela „õigest“ dušist ja kohviannus saaks rüübatud „valitud” tassist. Oma kuuluvust ja maailmanägemust ei väljendata üksnes rõivastega nagu seni. Imago looja rolli on saanud ka kodud. ”
(tekst ajakirjast “Eramu ja Korter”, autor Maris Kerge)
Design and furnish an apartment in a new residential area of apartment buildings on the outskirts of the suburbs, considering that this is a bachelor who is the commander of the local neighborhood watch area.
“ Quite typical – Character R went to get advice from architects about the choice of bathroom tiles. And out of a brief question, the interior design project, which was developed into cabinet buttons, finally grew. Really, an interior design project that excludes cabinet buttons. However, this state without a cabinet button is by no means the only ‘must have’ element here. Unconscious at first glance, the whole machine is actually subject to mathematical rules and operations. The ceiling is not white. The wood of the oak is dark stained is 50mm thick. The slats are minimal or non-existent. Each chamber has one “activated” wall. Contrary to the established regulations, the material and color combinations of the apartment are combined completely without complexity. The main “active wall” of each room should be the main experiment zone. Somewhere he is badly purple. Somewhere in a clustered orange, mixed together with Tiimari tissue paper and sponge-dyed paint, by the owner’s own hand.
From the wall of the kitchen-living room, where three completely different color palettes and patterns were wallpapered in rows, a lot of emotions continued into several stages. The first, “Have you gone crazy ?!” shout was thrown into the handset by a homeowner standing in front of wallpaper rolls in a shop with a list sent by the architects. Another forgotten curious party company had to watch the apartment owner’s wallpapering work from the window of the opposite house, probably with the same content. The third, already completely positive and still lasting emotion arrived at the head of the neighborhood guard area when the wall was completed.
However, it takes care of us that in our personal kitchen-living-bedroom-bathroom combination, while spending moments, the morning refreshing water flows from the “right” shower in the neck and the coffee dose gets a drink from the “chosen” cup. Our belonging and worldview are not only expressed with clothes as before. Homes have also become the creators of the image. ”
(text from the magazine “Private house and Apartment”, author Maris Kerge)
Risto Parve, Kai Süda
“Kaunis Kodu” 2010 konkurss. Finalist / “Beautiful Home” 2010 contest. Finalist
Ajakiri Soov fotokonkurss “Parim müügis kinnisvaraobjekt 2010”. Võitja /
Magazine “Soov” photo competition “Best for sale real estate object 2010”. Winner