Käesolev lahendus pakub piirkonda hoonemahu, mis Paldiski maanteelt vaadates mõjub saleda ning tagasihoidlikuna, samas linna poolt liginedes on üle puude ja olemasolevate hoonete efektselt näha. Välditud on tumma 6-korruselise ehituskehandi kavandamist paralleelselt Paldiski maanteega, kuna selliselt tekiks hoone peafassaadi ette põhja alatine vari ning pimedus, mis ei mõju meeldivalt.
Hoone idee on kannustatud hoone tehnoloogilisest funktsionaalsusest. Keerulised ning kõrgendatud tehnilisi lahendusi vajavad ruumid on kavandatud kahele esimesele maapealsele korrusele ning nende all -1 korrusel on ruume teenindavad tehnoruumid. Bürooplokk on kavandatud saleda ning kauneid vaateid omava tornina (3…6 korrus) risti Paldiski maanteega. Kitsas torni maht on kontorite jaotamiseks optimaalseim lahendus ning töötingimustele sobilikult avanevad kontorite klaaspinnad hommikusse ja õhtusse.
Paldiski maantee äärde tekkiv tugev kujund töötab maamärgina, kuid ei ole ümbritseva keskkonna suhtes agressiivne. Laborite plokk ning bürooploki lõuna ja põhja fassaad on viimistletud puitribidega, mistõttu hoone astub kenasti ansamblisse juba olemasolevate lähedal asuvate hoonetega, kus on fassaadides suuremahuliselt puitu kasutatud – G4S hoone ja Jazz pesulahoone. Itta ja läände suunatud bürooploki puhul on kujundatud bürooplokile omane fassaad, mis tänu erinevatele aknapaledele omab mängulisust ja visuaalset efektsust kuna on kaugelt vaadeldav.
This solution offers the area the volume of buildings, which, when viewed from Paldiski highway, looks slim and modest, while approaching the city, it is effectively visible over trees and existing buildings. The planning of a dark 6-storey building parallel to Paldiski Road has been avoided, as this would create a permanent shadow of the bottom and darkness in front of the main façade of the building, which would not have a pleasant effect.
The idea of the building is motivated by the technological functionality of the building. Complex rooms requiring advanced technical solutions are planned for the first two above-ground floors, and below them there are technical rooms serving the rooms. The office block is designed as a slender tower with beautiful views (3… 6 floors) perpendicular to Paldiski highway. The narrow volume of the tower is the most optimal solution for the distribution of offices, and the glass surfaces of the offices open in the morning and evening, suitable for the working conditions.
The strong image along the Paldiski road works as a landmark, but is not aggressive towards the surrounding environment. The laboratory block and the south + north facade of the office block are finished with wooden strips, which is why the building joins the ensemble nicely with the existing buildings nearby, where a large amount of wood has been used in the facades – the G4S building and the Jazz laundry building. In the case of the office block facing east and west, the facade characteristic of the office block has been designed, which has playfulness and visual effect due to the different window panes, as it can be seen from afar.
Risto Parve, Kai Süda