Kuressaare Pargi Lasteaed on linna kõige vanem lasteaed. Lasteaed on tegutsenud järjepidevalt samas asukohas alates 1947. aastast. Asudes ajaloolises pargis, tagaservas, on hoone disainitud sümmeetrilisena, kandes edasi teatavat “mõisalikkust”. Mahuka (8 rühma) hoone arhitektuur on madal ja paviljonilik, et sulanduda loomulikumalt väärikasse pargimiljöösse. Hoone arhitektuur on väga kohapõhine – väljakutseks osutus olukord, kus lõunapäike on ühel pool aga ruumid soovivad vaadata hoopis teisele poole – võtsime seda mitte kui probleemina, vaid intrigeeriva ideede sütitajana, luues “tiivulise” katusemaastiku, mis aitab kõikidesse ruumidesse püüda päikesevalgust. See andis võimaluse siseruumis mitmetasandiliste ruumide (Muinasjuturõdud jms.) tekkeks.
Hoonet luues oli meil soov luua lastele ruum ja ruumikogemusi, mis on erinevad nende kodusest ruumist – midagi uut, teistsugust, avastamisrõõmu valmistavat, põnevat – mis tekitaks soovi tulla rõõmuga iga päev lasteaeda.
Avatud ühise garderoobiruumi kokkupaigutus tekitab lastele ja ka lastevanematele uue kogemuse, kus kõikide rühmade lapsed ja lapsevanemad kohtuvad omavahel ka ülejäänud rühmade lastega ning garderoobi ja riietumise tegevused on mängulised koos kõigi maja kasutajatega. Jagatud ühine sotsiaalne sõbralik keskkond maja südames.
Kuressaare Pargi Kindergarten is the oldest kindergarten in the city. The kindergarten has been operating consistently at the same time location since 1947. Located in a historic park at the back, the building is designed to be symmetrical, conveying a certain “manor”. And the architecture of the spacious (8 groups) building is low and pavilion to blend more naturally
into a dignified park environment. The architecture of the building is very location-based – the challenge was the situation where the southern sun has rooms on one side. want to look the other way – we took it not as a problem, but as intriguing ideas as an igniter, creating a “winged” roof landscape that helps capture sunlight in all rooms. It gave the possibility of creating multi-level rooms (Fairytale balconies, etc.) indoors.
When we created the building, we wanted to create a space for children and space experiences that are different from their home space – something new, different, exciting, exciting – that would make you want to come with joy every day kindergarten.
The arrangement of such an open common dressing room creates a new experience for children as well as parents, where children and parents of all groups also meet the children of the other groups and the wardrobe and dressing activities are playful with all the users of the house. Shared a common social friendly environment in the heart of the house.
Risto Parve, Kai Süda, Margit Valma, Martin Kinks, Heldi Jürisoo
Sisearhitektuur / Interior – PINK OÜ
Graafiline Disain / Graphic Design – Moonika Maidre
Projektijuhtimine / Project Management – HOCO OÜ