Kogu arhitektuurse lahenduse algatajaks oli esmalt funktsionaalne skeem – kuidas väga selgelt juhtida külastaja hoonesse, kust ta saab kätte info ja teenused ning kuidas ta pääseb kõige efektiivsemalt bussile. Seda silmas pidades joonistusid ootesaalis välja selgepiirilised oranži tooni teenuste kuubikud, mis funktsionaalset plaani organiseerides kajastusid ka ootesaali välisfassaadidel. Uue ning selge funkstionaalse lahenduse kõrval vajas hoone ka rohkem avanemist linnaruumi ning valgusküllust – tiheda liiklusega Odra tänava poolse (seni täiesti kinnise) fassaadi väikesed privaatsete ruumide aknad pikendati põrandani ning seni vaid sisehoovi avanenud ootesaal avanes nüüdsest ka linna poole. Ootesaali suurendamisega kontoriruumide arvelt tekkis pikk avatud ruum avatusega läbi maja, mille lõputult kulgevat illusiooni võimendas veelgi liimpuidust lainetav ripplagi ning kohvikut lõpetav peegelsein.
Hoone välisilme kujundamisel sai oluliseks muundada olemasolevat monotoonset kehandit. Lastekodu tänava poolne kahekordne administratiivplokk vajas esinduslikumaks muutmist, Odra tänava poolne madal ühekordne ootesaaliga maht vajas tänavafronti paremini sobitumiseks liigendamist. Odra tänava mahu liigendus tulenes tänava vastaspoole kitsastest vaheldusrikastest fassaadidest ning ootesaali teenuskuubikute eksponeerimisest. Kahekordse administratiivploki esinduslikkust toetas ol.ol.mahu pikendamine juurdeehitusena ootesaali peale ning kogu administratsioonploki mahu katmine Eestis ainulaadse alumiiniumvõrguga.
Maa-ala organiseerimisega moodustus hoone ette suurem ala jalakäijatele ning sõbraliku voolava kujuga haljasalad. Olemasolevad ajaloolised istepingid uues erksas oranžis toonis said sobilikult interjööri ja eksterjööri siduvaks elemendiks.
The initiator of the whole architectural solution was first a functional scheme – how to very clearly guide the visitor to the building, where he receives information and services and how he can get to the bus most efficiently. With this in mind, clear orange cubes of services were drawn in the waiting room, which were also reflected on the external facades of the waiting room when organizing the functional plan. In addition to the new and clear functional solution, the building also needed more opening to the city space and abundance of light – the small windows of the (currently completely closed) façade on the busy Odra Street were extended to the floor and the courtyard, which had only opened in the courtyard. Increasing the waiting room at the expense of office space created a long open space with an opening through the house, the endless illusion of which was further enhanced by the corrugated suspended ceiling made of glulam and the mirror wall ending the café.
When designing the exterior of the building, it became important to transform the existing monotonous body. The double administrative block on the side of Lastekodu Street needed to be made more representative, the low single volume on the side of Odra Street with the waiting room needed to be articulated to better fit the street front. The articulation of the volume of Odra Street was due to the narrow varied facades of the opposite side of the street and the display of the service cubes in the waiting room. The representativeness of the double administrative block was supported by the extension of the existing volume as an extension to the waiting hall and the covering of the entire volume of the administrative block with a unique aluminum network in Estonia.
With the organization of the land, a larger pedestrian area and friendly flowing green areas were formed in front of the building. The existing historic seats in a new bright orange tone became a suitable binding element for the interior and exterior.
Risto Parve, Kai Süda
Sisearhitektuur / Interior – Tõnis Kalve, Ahti Grünberg