Õppehoone kinnistu kahe mürarikka ja aktiivselt kasutuses oleva sõidutee servas omab hetkel lõputu lagendiku iseloomu, möödasõitjate pilku püüab kõrgepingeliinide kobar ning metsistunud kalme. Spordihoone krunt omakorda jääb õppehoone taha ning ei ole maanteelt väga hoomatav.
Käesolev ideekavand on pakkunud lahenduse, kus õppehoone on võimalikult madal ja paviljonilik ning spordihoone taamal on kõrgem ja mõjukam. Selliselt on mõlemad funktsioonid sõiduteele näha ning tänu õppehoone suuresti 1.korruselisele lahendusele ei asu hooned sõiduteedest liiga kaugel, vaid tekib mõtestatud linnaruum. Et tegu on väga head sünergiat omavate hoonetega, on mõlemad mahud lahendatud sarnases arhitektuurikeeles ning varikatuste abil seotud ühtseks ansambliks.
Et maksimaalselt elimineerida müra õppehoones, on mõlema sõidutee poole kavandatud sisehoovid, mis on suletavad pöördseinte abil. Samuti vähendab müra õpikeskkonnas klassiruumide paigutamine ümber sisehoovide, mitte välisfassaadi.
The property of the study building on the edge of two noisy and actively used carriageways currently has the character of an endless open space, a bunch of high-voltage lines and a wild grave catch the eye of passers-by. The plot of the sports building, in turn, is behind the study building and is not very noticeable from the road.
This conceptual design has offered a solution where the study building is as low and pavilion as possible and the sports building behind it is taller and more influential. In this way, both functions can be seen on the roadway, and thanks to the largely 1st floor solution of the study building, the buildings are not located too far from the roadways, but a meaningful urban space is created. As these are buildings with very good synergies, both volumes have been solved in a similar architectural language and connected into a single ensemble by means of awnings.
In order to eliminate noise in the study building to the maximum, courtyards are designed on both sides of the carriageway, which can be closed by means of swing walls. Placing classrooms around courtyards, rather than the exterior facade, also reduces noise in the learning environment.
Risto Parve, Kai Süda, Margit Valma, Heldi Jürisoo, Marju Tammik